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Jack’s Journey on Nova FM

todaySeptember 3, 2023 631 15 5

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Hi my name is Jack Vaughan and I currently co host with the fabulous Angie Allday on Thursdays and Fridays 3-6pm. I have Autism and have attended special schools since I was 3 years old. My last school Southall was where I joined their radio club and with the support of Mrs Muench, my love and passion for radio grew.

I have always enjoyed presenting and easily retain facts about music, dates and productions companies so being on the radio has helped me showcase this. My  journey with Nova FM started 18 months ago after arranging work experience  with Angie Allday. She was really accommodating and spoke a lot to my mum to ensure the environment was right and really understanding of my needs, I instantly felt at home and enjoyed every moment. Angie allowed me to present with her and what I thought would be a few comments on air turned into 3 hours over 3 days of constant chatter and banter. This was an amazing introduction for me on the radio and now I was hooked and wanted more. Angie and Nova allowed me to return after my work experience and over the last year I have had the pleasure of co hosting with Dan Harris on a Sunday 2-5pm and I have now moved to a Thursday and Friday afternoon 3-6pm.


I recently attended Camp Bestival with Nova FM and had the amazing opportunity to speak to Junior Andre, Ella Henderson, Sara Cox, Mr Motivator and also interviewed the legends Dick and Dom.

I have also been lucky enough to be awarded a grant from the Leaders and Cabinet Members Young Person Grant scheme which helped buy equipment. The past 18 months I have lived my dream of being on the radio and Just hope this continues


Written by: Chris Dean

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